Hans at Storage Visions

Published On: 25th October 2018//1.4 min read//

This week Hans O’Sullivan, StorMagic CEO, was at Storage Visions 2018 in California. Hans was presenting at the event, on ‘Why Edge is Thriving in the Datacenter Apocalypse’ as part of a five-person panel on how edge technology can aid the future of storage. For those of you that weren’t in California for the event, here’s a summary of what you missed:

The two day event looked at all aspects of digital storage technology and its application with unstructured data. The event ran the theme ‘Thriving in the Data Apocalypse’, drawing from Gartner’s prediction that the traditional datacenter will die out, making way for flexible, functional storage. The event is organised by Tom Coughlin, industry analyst and contributor for Forbes Storage Bytes, you can check out his Twitter page here.

Hans appeared as part of the ‘Big Data and Small Pipes’ panel, which looked at how we can incorporate edge technology in to our storage planning for the future, to connect to as many people and places as possible.

Citing Gartner’s predictions that 80% of enterprises will have shut down their traditional datacenter by 2025, Hans outlined how edge technology provides a lightweight, cost effective solution that allows for organizations to manage, process and classify data in the same place that it’s created.

Attendees learned:

  1. The definition of edge computing environments, and whether or not they were edge ready
  2. How the future of storage will see a boost in edge computing, which will displace many traditional datacenters
  3. How software-defined, edge-based solutions could save your organization time and money.

SvSAN is an edge-ready software-defined storage solution. If you have any questions about Hans’ presentation then you can get in contact with the team via [email protected].

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