Which manual do you require?

Listed below are the StorMagic manuals and documentation for the latest editions of StorMagic SvSAN and SvKMS.

Additional StorMagic help and product assistance is available from our support team. Please visit https://support.stormagic.com.

For support inquiries, please email [email protected].

Specific SvSAN help and product assistance can also be found on our SvSAN FAQ page.

StorMagic SvSAN manuals (English)

StorMagic SvSAN 6.3 Update 1

StorMagic SvSAN 6.2 Update 5 Patch 6

StorMagic SvSAN 6.1 Update 3

StorMagic SvKMS manuals (English)

StorMagic SvKMS 2.6.4

StorMagic SvSAN manuals (日本語 / Japanese)

StorMagic SvSAN 6.1 Update 2