Introducing StorMagic KMaaS: Painless, Cloud-Based Security for any Encryption Workload

Published On: 22nd July 2020//2.9 min read//Tags: , , , , //

Many of today’s businesses are moving their data and applications from onsite datacenters to the cloud. Leveraging cloud services can provide a variety of customer benefits, including improved performance, reduced capital expenses, and increased business agility. At the same time however, cloud services have introduced a number of new vulnerabilities and security risks.

In the increasingly predatory world of cloud-stored data, encryption can help businesses achieve the maximum level of protection possible. Encryption key management services are essential to helping organizations manage and maintain thousands of cryptographic keys, safely, securely, and efficiently — in the cloud and beyond.

Introducing, StorMagic KMaaS

This week, StorMagic launched StorMagic Cloud Services, and our first cloud service offering: Key Management as a Service (KMaaS). StorMagic KMaaS is an encryption key management service that allows organizations of all sizes to centrally store, manage, and consolidate key management functions across a variety of workflows and locations. These include on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, software as a service (SaaS), and an endless range of edge applications and endpoints.

StorMagic KMaaS delivers painless security, with the flexibility to integrate with any encryption workflow, powerful high availability and robust data protection features, and the simplicity to deploy enterprise-wide key management in under 5 minutes. Learn more about the benefits of implementing KMaaS below:

  • Flexible: StorMagic KMaaS is incredibly flexible, with the ability to integrate with any encryption workflow, and connect to any location, anywhere. It supports data-at-rest encryption for database, storage, application and custom use cases, as well as data-in-transit for authentication, transactions, and data transfer. It also enables the consolidation and management of existing hardware security modules (HSMs) through a single pane of glass, as well as support for a multitude of new workflows such as cloud, SaaS, PaaS and IoT.
  • Robust: With StorMagic KMaaS, customer keys are always secure, and always accessible. It delivers powerful high availability in the cloud,  and its hardened design, and load balanced clusters that protect against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Superior data protection is achieved through the solution’s multi-level key security and strong authorization methods. The multi-tenanted architecture secures data through tenancy isolation, segmented databases, and workload boundary enforcement.
  • Simple: StorMagic KMaaS is easy to deploy, enabling customers to implement enterprise-wide key management in less than 5 minutes. It offers an exceptionally intuitive user experience to easily manage users, groups and integrations, quickly create keys, and oversee the full key lifecycle. Administration is effortless, thanks to the wizard setup experience, painless backup and restore capabilities, and the ability to implement role-based access control. Advanced reporting and behavioral insight enable detailed auditing and logging, dashboard alerts, and syslog exportable to popular SIEMs.

Through this latest offering, and the introduction of StorMagic Cloud Services, we continue to execute on our strategy to further integrate the benefits of the edge to core datacenters and the cloud, by hosting our security solution, SvKMS, in the cloud and delivering KMaaS for any onsite or cloud use case.

“StorMagic Cloud Services simplifies IT services that existing clouds cannot, and are designed to eliminate the cost and pain of running storage and security software onsite,” said Bruce Kornfeld, chief marketing and product officer, StorMagic. “KMaaS is the first of many cloud-based storage and security services designed to help our customers save both time and money.”

Discover more about KMaaS, its unique features and capabilities, pricing and licensing, and third-party storage and database integrations that support the new offering, in our StorMagic KMaaS data sheet. You can also visit the KMaaS page on our website, here.

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