Welcome to StorMagic and congratulations on stepping into the SvSAN community!

You’re in good company, joining the thousands of organizations that have trialed and chosen SvSAN around the world.

Starting your free trial is quick and easy and you can have SvSAN installed in your environment in minutes without fuss.

Your first video is on getting started with SvSAN.

  1. SvSAN Topology: What do I need to get started?
  2. Storage: How do I setup the storage in my servers?
  3. Networking: How do I configure the network in my servers?

Don’t forget – if you need more time to test and evaluate SvSAN, you can extend your 10 day free trial by a further 30 days by completing the form at this link.

Throughout the trial, you have full access to our dedicated Support Team when you need it. Simply call us on (US) +1 800 517 5282 / (UK) +44 (0)117 952 7390, or email [email protected]